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  • OSHC Insurance

Why do you need health insurance while studying abroad?

December 12, 2017

You're preparing for your big trip overseas and your to-do list seems never-ending. While forgetting to pack your favourite brand of sunscreen is manageable, neglecting to secure your overseas student health cover (OSHC) can cause a major headache down the road.

Why do you need health insurance while studying abroad? And how do you choose a plan that makes sense for you? Let's jump right in.

Having OSHC is the difference between a hefty medical bill and a manageable expense.

Why does OSHC even matter?

First of all, most international students in Australia are required to have OSHC for the entire duration of their study as a visa requirement. According to the Australian government there are only three exceptions to this. If you are:

  • a Norwegian student covered by the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme
  • a Swedish student covered by Kammarkollegiet
  • a Belgian student covered under the Reciprocal Health Care Agreement with Australia.

For everyone else, securing OSHC is a non-negotiable step. But why is it so important to have this cover in place?

Picture this: You decide to join a local cricket league while you're overseas. During practice one day, your teammate hits the cricket ball and it hits you square in the head. You feel dizzy, there is a massive welt on your head and your captain is insisting you see a doctor.

When you do head to the hospital, having OSHC is the difference between a hefty medical bill and a manageable expense. Without health cover, any kind of professional treatment can get expensive fast.

Standard OSHC plans provide coverage or partial payment when you:

  • Visit the hospital (including the care of doctors, surgeons or anaesthetists)
  • Schedule a GP or specialist visit
  • Need to purchase prescription medication

Having health insurance while abroad will not only save you money if something does go wrong, it will give your family at home peace of mind. They'll know that should you injure yourself on your journey, someone will be there ready to take care of you without hefty hospital fees to worry about.

Your OSHC will ensure you stay happy and healthy while abroad!

How do you secure the right plan?

While most students can't decide whether or not to get OSHC, they can choose their provider. The key to finding the right OSHC is comparing the different coverage options available. Cohort Go offers a simple portal to help students compare all Australian Government-approved providers in one place: OSHC Australia.

This platform is the only place where you can compare all government authorised providers together. You will be able to read up on how their policies differ with regards to features and price. We provide all the information you need, so you can be confident you're making the right decision.

To learn more about our offerings, reach out to one of our Cohort Go team members or get a quote today!

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